Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Getting serious

All the hype and excitement about the Tour de France has surely inspired me to start taking my training for the Coronation Double Century more seriously. Yes, that is the equivalent of more or less two Pick 'n Pay Cape Argus Cycle Tours which I attempt to conquer. Two!

However, I need some advice. Up until now, I've focused on shorter, more regular distances, largely during weekends. This means that my training has been restricted to two days per week; weather permitting and not excluding the fact that it's just too tempting to rather spend my mornings snuggled up in bed, watching how those skinny cyclists attempt to tame the Alps on television.

And on top of that, I've not trained with any of my team members at all! I assume you all are familiar with the fact that the Coronation Double Century is a team effort and that you cannot enter on your own?

Maybe I need to organise a get-together, as I sense that my team is getting behind the curve...

Does anyone have some tips for us or tell us where we are going wrong? Should we start training together more regularly and how should we juggle shorter versus longer distances? Or does one switch to longer distances only at some point? And would spinning during the week help at all?

As I've mentioned, any thoughts and comments are welcome!


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